The Mystery of Practical Discipleship

Jesus Gave Us the Platform of Discipleship (1)

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JESUS GAVE US THE PLATFORM OF DISCIPLESHIPTo Grow Us in This New Race So We Don't Get Contaminated With the Adamic Race That We Co-Exist with in the World  
Matthew 28:18-20

  • 2 Thessalonians 2:7 Lord, please let the mystery of the HOLY SPIRIT so work in me as to prevent, restrain and hold back the mystery of iniquity everywhere it is manifesting or wanting to manifest – in my life, my home, my children's lives and future, kingdom labour in my hand, the Church, the nations, etc...
  • 1 Timothy 3:16  Lord, please don't let me skip any of the Gospel processes You are bringing to me. Remind me always that if Jesus my Lord had skipped any process, I would not be here today as a son/daughter or as a labourer in the kingdom.
  • John 1:40-42  Lord, please give me revelation of the mystery embedded in discipleship; in following. The word “Follow” already turns me into “a little one” (belittled) but that is the nucleus of this mystery. Let the power of followership, (of a little one), be released on me. Let me follow the process in order to operate in the mystery and power of it.
  • Isaiah 60:22  Lord, please give me courage to stand on this mystery platform that produces a mystery brokenness of life for me. Discipleship turns me into that little one and that weak one that God will multiply by His Spirit. Mystery multiplication is only possible to one who follows the process of mystery brokenness in discipleship!
  • Rom 1:7, 1 Cor 1:2, 2 Cor 13:13, Eph 1:1, Phil 1:1, Col 1:2, Jude 1:14  The “disciple” of today is the “saint” of tomorrow. Lord, please give me a voracious appetite for following to enter into my calling as a saint. I am called to be a saint in Your kingdom but that cannot be, if I don't follow due process as a disciple. Arrest my heart in the place of practical discipleship, practical following.
  • Lord, please be the Disciple in me. Let me stand firm on that mystery platform as I release myself completely to following: 
    • Following JESUS in vertical discipleship.
    • Following 'Jesuses' in disguise (men and women) in horizontal discipleship.

  • Matthew 25:9 Lord, please don't let me take instructions when it is too late, like the foolish virgins. Help me to step on the platform of taking instructions now that it can be profitable for my life.
  • Lord, please send me to the 'Jesuses in disguise', the men and women that I must follow into my destiny. Make me swift to run after them for practical following.
  • 1 Cor 4:16, 1 Cor 11:1, Phil 3:17  Lord, please raise me as a 'Jesus in disguise' for others to follow into their destiny as I also follow You and the men You have sent me to. Lord Jesus, be the Discipler in me. Amen.

Practical Assignment

Luke 7:36-50, Luke 10:38-42, John 11, Mark 14:3-9, John 12

1. Put your life side by side Mary of Bethany's as a disciple of Jesus. Where are you in your process of following? How are you moving from glory to glory by His Spirit?

  • Weeping at His feet in repentance?
  • Sitting at His feet to learn?
  • Falling at His feet to pray?
  • Breaking your life to pour it all on Him?
  • Legacy of life as a witness (Isaiah 60:22, Mark 14:9)

2. Have you thought of what could have happened if Mary of Bethany had skipped the process of her discipleship? Can you think of what might happen if you skip yours?

3. Pray for mercy to step practically into every process that heaven has appointed you in your discipleship, and in the whole Mystery of The GOSPEL.

Join This HeartCry Prayer - Monday & Tuesday 11:30am - 2:30pm (UK Time)