The Mystery of Practical Discipleship

Jesus Gave Us the Platform of Discipleship (1)

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JESUS GAVE US THE PLATFORM OF DISCIPLESHIPTo Grow Us in This New Race So We Don't Get Contaminated With the Adamic Race That We Co-Exist with in the World  
Matthew 28:18-20

  • 2 Thessalonians 2:7 Lord, please let the mystery of the HOLY SPIRIT so work in me as to prevent, restrain and hold back the mystery of iniquity everywhere it is manifesting or wanting to manifest – in my life, my home, my children's lives and future, kingdom labour in my hand, the Church, the nations, etc...
  • 1 Timothy 3:16  Lord, please don't let me skip any of the Gospel processes You are bringing to me. Remind me always that if Jesus my Lord had skipped any process, I would not be here today as a son/daughter or as a labourer in the kingdom.
  • John 1:40-42  Lord, please give me revelation of the mystery embedded in discipleship; in following. The word “Follow” already turns me into “a little one” (belittled) but that is the nucleus of this mystery. Let the power of followership, (of a little one), be released on me. Let me follow the process in order to operate in the mystery and power of it.
  • Isaiah 60:22  Lord, please give me courage to stand on this mystery platform that produces a mystery brokenness of life for me. Discipleship turns me into that little one and that weak one that God will multiply by His Spirit. Mystery multiplication is only possible to one who follows the process of mystery brokenness in discipleship!
  • Rom 1:7, 1 Cor 1:2, 2 Cor 13:13, Eph 1:1, Phil 1:1, Col 1:2, Jude 1:14  The “disciple” of today is the “saint” of tomorrow. Lord, please give me a voracious appetite for following to enter into my calling as a saint. I am called to be a saint in Your kingdom but that cannot be, if I don't follow due process as a disciple. Arrest my heart in the place of practical discipleship, practical following.
  • Lord, please be the Disciple in me. Let me stand firm on that mystery platform as I release myself completely to following: 
    • Following JESUS in vertical discipleship.
    • Following 'Jesuses' in disguise (men and women) in horizontal discipleship.

  • Matthew 25:9 Lord, please don't let me take instructions when it is too late, like the foolish virgins. Help me to step on the platform of taking instructions now that it can be profitable for my life.
  • Lord, please send me to the 'Jesuses in disguise', the men and women that I must follow into my destiny. Make me swift to run after them for practical following.
  • 1 Cor 4:16, 1 Cor 11:1, Phil 3:17  Lord, please raise me as a 'Jesus in disguise' for others to follow into their destiny as I also follow You and the men You have sent me to. Lord Jesus, be the Discipler in me. Amen.

Practical Assignment

Luke 7:36-50, Luke 10:38-42, John 11, Mark 14:3-9, John 12

1. Put your life side by side Mary of Bethany's as a disciple of Jesus. Where are you in your process of following? How are you moving from glory to glory by His Spirit?

  • Weeping at His feet in repentance?
  • Sitting at His feet to learn?
  • Falling at His feet to pray?
  • Breaking your life to pour it all on Him?
  • Legacy of life as a witness (Isaiah 60:22, Mark 14:9)

2. Have you thought of what could have happened if Mary of Bethany had skipped the process of her discipleship? Can you think of what might happen if you skip yours?

3. Pray for mercy to step practically into every process that heaven has appointed you in your discipleship, and in the whole Mystery of The GOSPEL.

Join This HeartCry Prayer - Monday & Tuesday 11:30am - 2:30pm (UK Time)

Disciple Making

Jesus Gave Us the Platform of Discipleship (2)

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Join This HeartCry Prayer - Monday & Tuesday 11:30am - 2:30pm (UK Time)

JESUS GAVE US THE PLATFORM OF DISCIPLESHIPTo Grow Us in This New Race So We Don't Get Contaminated With the Adamic Race That We Co-Exist with in the World  
Matthew 28:18-20

  • Esther 2:1-2 Lord, please do not relegate me to look for alternatives. May I not lose my estate by ignoring the Word of God (Bread of life) being sent into my life these days.
  • Esther 2:5-11 Lord, please reveal my “Mordecais” to me. People with proper CV and genealogy. Lord, please lead me to them. Have mercy on me and heal the wounds I suffered in the hands of human handlers in the past. Put me in a proper relationship of discipleship now.
  • Lord, even if I did not begin well, please cause me to end well as I stand on this mystery platform to follow You.
  • Lord, please don't put me under a discipler that will hunt me down with the javelin like king Saul did David. Put me under someone who will take me in as their son/daughter.
  • Lord, please send me my Mordecai and make me a Mordecai for others too.
  • Matthew 28:18-20 (NKJV)  Lord, please help me disciple people to do greater than me. When people come to be discipled, help me know that it is YOU they are looking for, not me. Help me to quickly show YOU to them- in life and in labour. Don't let me stand between YOU and Your disciples but make me content with the unmerited privilege of making disciples of all nations for YOU.
  • Esther 2:12 Lord, please help me endure my months of de-cluttering and detoxification. Don't let me drop out like the disciples of John 6:59-66, but help me receive grace to endure to the end, knowing that I will soon become a thousand, though a little one today.
  • Esther 2:15 Lord, please make me contented as a disciple. Simple and not high minded. Let me obtain Your favour and that of all those You will place on my path to my destiny.
  • Lord, please let the fragrance of my life come up to You as I am being discipled for You. Let my life be acceptable to You my KING.

  • Esther 4:15-16  Lord, please like queen Esther, let me be an agent of continuity in discipleship wherever You send me. Let no position be regarded too low, or too high or too prestigious for making disciples for YOU, my Lord. Let the life of JESUS continue. Amen!

Preparation as Christ's Bride

Jesus Gave Us the Platform of Discipleship (3)

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Join This HeartCry Prayer - Monday & Tuesday 11:30am - 2:30pm (UK Time)

JESUS GAVE US THE PLATFORM OF DISCIPLESHIPTo Grow Us in This New Race So We Don't Get Contaminated With the Adamic Race That We Co-Exist with in the World  
Matthew 28:18-20

Luke 9:23-24 "And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it."

Matthew 22

Help me see the importance of the marriage supper of the Lamb, then I can submit to all provisions made to prepare me mysteriously as part of the Bride.

Give me grace to answer my call into discipleship knowing that it is also a work that has been completed. I'm just to step into it. All that my discipleship will input into me has been done but will not be activated until I step in. Help me to step in deliberately.

The mystery of the Gospel's great
Jesus gave us the means
Discipleship to grow and mould
And set apart His own.

Practical Assignment

Matthew 22:1-14; 25:1-13

“And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment:  12 And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless.  13 Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.  14 For many are called, but few are chosen.” (Mt 22:11-14)

“But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.  10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.  11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.” (Mt 25:9-12)

Seeing that discipleship (following) prepares you for the mystery Bridegroom's return and for the marriage supper of the Lamb, go now to “them that sell” (for no money!) to receive the necessary instructions of life. Be deliberate to step into practical life discipleship so the mystery of this segment of the Gospel can be activated on your life as well.

Join This HeartCry Prayer - Monday & Tuesday 11:30am - 2:30pm (UK Time)

Preparation for Eternal Home

Jesus Gave Us the Platform of Discipleship (4)

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Join This HeartCry Prayer - Monday & Tuesday 11:30am - 2:30pm (UK Time)

JESUS GAVE US THE PLATFORM OF DISCIPLESHIPTo Grow Us in This New Race So We Don't Get Contaminated With the Adamic Race That We Co-Exist with in the World  
Matthew 28:18-20

Matthew 12:47-50; 1 John 3:1-3  Our Greatest Asset in Life- SONSHIP
Mark 10:17-21; 2 Peter 1:10-11  Our Heritage- ETERNAL LIFE

  • Lord, please help me. Make me a life interpreter of Your Word. Let my life bring a correct interpretation of what You are saying and of the life of Jesus. Turn me into a dispenser of heaven's resources as well.
  • Lord, please sharpen me and get me more and more acquainted with the life of Jesus that I am carrying. Let my heart pick up Your hints so I can pray into it quickly and respond swiftly, like Mary.
  • Please Lord, help me be ready to change so things can change. Only You know the future, please make me flexible and ready to be lost in You.
  • My home is paramount to You in my discipleship. Please Lord, organise my home and make it a disciples' home where Jesus and His people will be comfortable. Help me put my husband/wife in the picture of God's dealings with my life. Make us run this beautiful race together.
  • Lord, please don't bring us into exceptions and temporary measures like Deborah Lapidoth. Rather, visit our men and let them all take their leadership roles in this revival. Give us a miracle with all our men.
  • Help me acquire the level of growth that You desire in my life. Send me to people who will make divine pronouncements into my life that will propel me into my destiny as I follow.
  • Don't let me take for granted any pronouncements that You make into my life through people. Don't let me lose out because of familiarity with the people You send to make utterances and pronouncements into my life.
  • Don't allow friendship to deny me what You have for me. Don't let me live to regret as a result of careless attitudes. Rather, open the door for my life miraculously as I take on board Your pronouncements into my life.
  • Help me take Your Word, and Prayer, and Discipleship serious in my pursuit of God in revival.
  • Make my life a fulfilment of Your promises, a manifestation of what God has declared in the past. Let me seek Your Word diligently so I can be made to step into all that is written about me.
  • Thank you for providing me cover under my disciple makers, especially in my early days. Please help me also make myself available to help and relieve them too. Reset my mind and remove the utilitarian mindset that I brought from the wilderness.
  • Deliver me from laziness as a disciple. Help me take responsibility even without being asked in my practical discipleship. Ready to give myself and resources to help my disciple makers in their burden.
  • Jesus, You are the best Disciple/Disciple maker that anyone could hope for. Come be the disciple/disciple maker in me, I pray. I desire to honour You with my discipleship and disciple making, just as You honoured Your Father when You were here. Lord, make this possible for me, I pray. Amen.

The mystery of the Gospel's great
Jesus gave us the means
Discipleship to grow and mould
And set apart His own.

Practical Assignment

1. Seeing that practical discipleship (following) prepares you for your eternal home as a son/daughter of God, mention 5 areas of your life where God is requesting definite changes (it can be any area).

2. How is He making those requests?
  • Hints by His Spirit, like Mary's hint
  • Direct instructions from His Word
  • Direct utterances from your disciplers
  • Interaction with your fellow disciples
  • A message, hymn, song, program, etc
  • Natural and normal occurences around you
  • Others (mention them) 
3. Where are you in your responses to God?
  • Prayer
  • Counselling
  • Action
4. Commit your heart and life to God. Ask Him to help you see the invisible, the mystery blessings and mystery fruitfulness that flow out of simple obedience. Rise from that prayer and… GO AND OBEY!

Join This HeartCry Prayer - Monday & Tuesday 11:30am - 2:30pm (UK Time)

Practical Discipleship Assessment

Jesus Gave Us the Platform of Discipleship (5)

Listen & pray along (MP3a)
Listen & pray along (MP3b)
Listen & pray along (MP3c)

Join This HeartCry Prayer - Monday & Tuesday 11:30am - 2:30pm (UK Time)

JESUS GAVE US THE PLATFORM OF DISCIPLESHIPTo Grow Us in This New Race So We Don't Get Contaminated With the Adamic Race That We Co-Exist with in the World  
Matthew 28:18-20

Practical Assignment

Isaiah 50:4-7 (AMP)  
Luke 9:23-24 

1. Write at least two things that practical discipleship has mysteriously brought into your life by God's grace.

2. Write at least two things that you have suffered due to lack of discipleship, or due to careless ignoring of instructions in your discipleship.

3. Write your scope now in practical discipleship, i.e. what do you hope that discipleship will contribute to your life from now on?

4. Take these and all your other assignments to the Lord in prayer.