God's Ingathering Feast

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Join This HeartCry Prayer- Monday & Tuesday 11.30am-2.30pm (UK Time)

Revelation 21. The New Jerusalem

  • Lord, please let the GOSPEL work on me to produce the specie of life that will reside in the new Jerusalem to reign with You.

Make this my home my Lord, I pray.
My name engraved inside Thy book;
With saints in white and crown of life;
In glorious joy I'll sing Thy praise.

Matthew 25. The Ten Virgins

  • I pray Thee Lord, in my vessel, give oil until You come. Don't let me throw away such opportunity to acquire extra oil in my vessel with my lamp. Please help me.
  • Let the grace of God appear to me through the restating of the cross-centred Gospel on this platform and bring me eternal salvation.
  • Deliver me from incomplete and fragmented gospel that makes me lack the extra oil needed for the Mystery Bridegroom's return. Have mercy on me Lord, please.

2 Corinthians 6. Run For Your Life!

  • Lord, give me a sense of urgency to run into Christ for safety.
  • Give me courage to say "NO" to the unclean thing. Show me on this platform how to run for my life through the power of the Gospel.

Ephesians 6:19. The Mystery of The Gospel

  • Lord, please restate the cross-centred GOSPEL to me.
  • Let the mystery work upon my life.
  • Don't let me play truancy but help me endure to the end.
  • Acts 16:14-15. Like Lydia, make me a carrier of the mysterious GOSPEL when it would have worked on my life. Let my whole house be baptised into the same GOSPEL.
  • Bring the mysterious cross-centred GOSPEL back to the Church and let there be an ingathering of Your people before the final call. Amen.

Join This HeartCry Prayer- Monday & Tuesday 11.30am-2.30pm (UK Time)